Creativity Sharing and
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Open Data API is Leveraged at Ideathon - 2nd LOD Challenge Day Projects Deployed! (English version)

event date: Aug 10, 2013
License : CC0
Update: Jan 9, 2015

Idea detail
This is an English version of the idea posted by Dr. Toyoda
Update: Sep 5, 2013 (David_Gifford)
Image detail
Ideathon Idea Creators
Update: Sep 5, 2013 (David_Gifford)
Text detail
Summary of ideas brainstormed at the Ideathon / Hackathon held at the Mixi Innovation Center on August 10, 2013. (Sponsored by: LOD Challenge Executive Committee, Co-organized cloud test bed consortium) CC-BY Tetsuro Toyoda and Sayoko Shimoyama and Kazurof Professor Tetsuro Toyoda has boiled down the ideas raised at the Ideathon, as divided into 8 groups. Here are introduced the results as follows. We hope to generate further following and forking! By clicking on the orange button "Cite this idea to create a new one" at the bottom of each idea page, we hope that people with ideas that embody the following ideas further can develop them even more.
Update: Sep 5, 2013 (David_Gifford)
Idea detail
An idea for making an indication of local resources that could be regional strengths by combining ground data statistics obtained and Earth observation from space using satellites. For example, to optimize use of agriculture and forestry by making Census of Agriculture and Forestry data published by the Ministry of Agriculture together with JAXA Earth observation data. Regional strengths for tourism data could be represented. Furthermore, to a introduce an art spot based on space data for artists who want to appreciate the beauty of the Earth.


Create:Aug 10, 2013, Update:Aug 10, 2013


Update: Sep 11, 2013 (David_Gifford)
Idea detail
Create a new type dictionary “Jissho 2.0”. It will be created by a computer that automatically turns texts written in natural language into Linked Open Data. For example, it can offer advice on choosing words when writing sentences about new information and offer related information to the article that the user reads. Also, it can pick up the appropriate information while determining the psychological state of human conversation.


Create:Aug 10, 2013, Update:Aug 10, 2013


Update: Sep 11, 2013 (David_Gifford)
Idea detail
Through the open information about regional sports and across the country, you will get help in child-rearing by wide knowledge of the sports environment that has become a regional strength. By providing easy to analyze data of various sports, a choice can be made for a place to raise children of their own area suitable for promoting children's physical fitness of children, and even win in the Olympics. At the same time raise awareness of the Olympics by using familiar sports data, and make distinctive regional competitions widely known even though these sports had only a minor role so far.


Create:Aug 7, 2013, Update:Sep 16, 2013


Update: Sep 11, 2013 (David_Gifford)
Idea detail
On the basis of census data, this idea estimates stockpiles of food, etc. that are required to accept the refugees that need to return home in the event of a disaster, and then requests these stockpiles from respective businesses and municipalities. Easy-to-understand system to visualize on the map the movement of people each day according to commuting data is useful for this. Also, in the case of the United States it would be helpful if we can NFC data that the railway companies havey and movement data from base stations of mobile phone operators. We can achieve visualization of people's residences and movement with higher accuracy.


Create:Aug 10, 2013, Update:Aug 10, 2013


Update: Sep 11, 2013 (David_Gifford)
Idea detail
In order to solve the problem of everyday commuting congestion, the idea is to use LOD of statistical data, public data, and fixed-point observation data. For those who want to find the the times and commuting routes that are not crowded, and people who want to look for work and residence in areas where it is not crowded, and people who want to find the times and routes that are not crowded, for example when you go out with the stroller by train. It is important to resolve the congestion problem along the entire mobile route, even to the level of which exit of the station and which platform should be used.


Update: Sep 11, 2013 (David_Gifford)
Idea detail
Idea to find a method of preventive medicine suitable for a region by extracting and visualizing healthy and unhealthy parameters and utilizing data statistics. As residents need to be able to choose the method of appropriate preventive health care suited to the living environment and lifestyle that differ from one location to another, we can realize independent community medical care, lengthen healthy life in the region and also implement preventive medicine that matches with aging and depopulation of the region.
Update: Sep 11, 2013 (David_Gifford)
Idea detail
Murakami Fumihiro proposed, "I want to create an app that recommends data with similar trends from the correlation between the data". In response to this idea, Mr. Ikki Ohmukai prototyped using a Google spreadsheet at the Ideathon. As a result, interesting findings were obtained such as that an inverse correlation of "rate of ‘shotgun’ marriage" and "prefectural peoples’ income" can be seen. We were excited by such ideas at the Ideathon. This earned the largest number of "Likes" from the audience participants at the Ideathon. This Idea is likely to become more concrete and carried on in future events.


Create:Aug 9, 2013, Update:Aug 9, 2013


Update: Sep 11, 2013 (David_Gifford)
Idea detail
This idea was born based on the activities of Sakai Mika. For people who are blind, a Braille and audio bibliography bibliography could be available. But in such situations distribution is difficult as copyright becomes an obstacle. To overcome this, we need a mechanism to easily locate such bibliographic information and make it available for those who need to provide it publicly as open data bibliographic information. An online Braille library is needed, where it is easy to register braille and audio bibliographic information, generated by individual volunteers.
Update: Sep 11, 2013 (David_Gifford)
Idea detail
Each idea above is a summary of the results of the Ideathon and the ideas that followed. Holding the Open Data API leveraging Ideathon (For Statistics)
Update: Sep 5, 2013 (David_Gifford)
Web page detail
This is the home page of the 2013 LOD Challenge Japan by this event's organizers. Entries to the Idea Category begin on October 1.
Linked Open Data Challenge Japan 2013
Linked Open Data (LOD) の仕組み作りやデータづくりにチャレンジされている方々による活動の発表の場を提供します。
Update: Sep 5, 2013 (David_Gifford)
Slide detail
Let's connect the ideas born at this event to the next events! Please see the following slides about the way to connect the ideas. By Open Ideas, National Ideathons are connected to Hackathons
Update: Sep 5, 2013 (David_Gifford)

Grant Information

Suggested fund information for realizing the idea.
